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Service Details

Eagles Heritage

Supplier Name:

Margaret River Busselton Tourism Association

Departure Date:


Children (4 - 16):

Children older than 16 are costed as Adults.

Child Ages:

Specify child ages as at time of travel


A$22.00    On Request


Valid for 01APR24-31APR25:

- Park Entry

- Forest walk

- Bird of prey encounter.

What to Bring:

Departure Time:

Valid for 01APR24-31MAR25: Flight shows at 11:30am and 01:00pm.

Departure Days:

Valid for 01APR24-31MAR25:

Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday except 25DEC.


1.5 hours

Departure Location:

Valid for 01APR24-31MAR25: Eagles Heritage.

Departure/ Pickup Info:

Not included.

*Pickup Request:

Note: Pickup requests are subject to confirmation.


~~ 01-Apr-2023 to 31-Mar-2024~~Valid for 01APR23-31MAR24:
Eagles Heritage is one of Australia’s largest wildlife centre’s dedicated to the care of injured, orphaned or displaced birds of prey, including Eagles, Hawks, Falcons and Owls. Visitors of all ages and abilities can get closer than they ever imaged to these magnificent birds of prey. Awe-inspiring flight displays are delivered twice daily, providing insight to the bird’s unique adaptions and natural behaviours. These displays also feature the rare opportunity for visitors to have their photo taken with a resident barn owl. A self-guided 1km walk takes visitors through the tranquil native forest, where they can meet an astounding array of powerful and elusive birds of prey. Eagles Heritage is located 5 kilometres south of the Margaret River Townsite.~~~~

~~ 01-Apr-2024 to 31-Mar-2025~~Valid for 01APR24-31MAR25:

Eagles Heritage is a bird of prey sanctuary dedicated to the care of injured, orphaned, or displaced birds of prey. Visitors of all ages and abilities can get closer than they ever imagined to these magnificent birds of prey during twice-daily bird of prey encounters and a self-guided 1km walk through the peaceful native forest.~~~~

Important Info:

Special Requests:

(240 Char Limit)

Note: Special requests generate directly to the service provider and cannot be guaranteed.