~~ 01-Apr-2024 to 31-Mar-2026~~Valid for 01APR24-31MAR26:
Self-drive to Nitmiluk (Katherine) Gorge, 30 mins from the Katherine Township (30km drive). Meet at the Nitmiluk Boat Jetty (400m walk from the Nitmiluk Visitors Centre), 15 mins prior to your tour departure.
On the NitNit Dreaming Tour you will travel through the first two, and longest two gorges of the Nitmiluk (Katherine) Gorge system. During the tour, you will learn about the history, culture, geology as you take in the kombolgie sandstone formations around you. There is a walk of 400m between the first and second gorge to change boats. The walk-ways are man-made, however are uneven in areas as they follow the natural contours of the bush landscape. The pathways include steps with handrails. A moderate level of mobility is required.~~~~ |