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Service Details

Bungle Bungle Domes Special - A18

Supplier Name:


Departure Date:


Children (0 - 12):

Children older than 12 are costed as Adults.

Child Ages:

Specify child ages as at time of travel


A$329.00    On Request


- 18 minute helicopter flight
- Experienced pilot and professional commentary
- Tea and coffee available at the office at Bellburn Airstrip

What to Bring:
- Camera (must have lanyard/wrist strap).
- Light jacket.

Departure Time:

On Demand from 7.00am until 3.30pm.

Departure Days:

Valid for 01APR24-31MAR25:
01APR - 10OCT: Daily
11OCT -31MAR: Closed


18 Minutes

Departure Location:

Bellburn Airstrip, within the Purnululu National Park

Departure/ Pickup Info:

Not Provided

*Pickup Request:

Note: Pickup requests are subject to confirmation.


~~ 01-Apr-2024 to 31-Mar-2025~~Valid for 01APR24-31MAR25:
This helicopter flight begins at the south west end of the Bungle Bungle Range at Y Gorge before soaring across the top of the enormous massif to the mouth of the spectacular Piccaninny Gorge. Continue along the southern face of the Range, following Piccaninny Creek. Here, you can view the mouth of Cathedral Gorge and fly over the famous orange and black striped sandstone beehive shaped domes~~~~

Important Info:

Special Requests:

(240 Char Limit)

Note: Special requests generate directly to the service provider and cannot be guaranteed.