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Service Details

Eco Beach Explorer Scenic Helicopter Flight and Lunch

Supplier Name:

KAS Helicopters

Departure Date:


Children (0 - 12):

Children older than 12 are costed as Adults.

Child Ages:

Specify child ages as at time of travel


A$1718.00    On Request


- Hotel Pick up and Drop Off

What to Bring:

- Cap

- Sunglasses
- Camera/phone

- Water bottle

- Swimwear and towel

Departure Time:


Departure Days:

Daily except 01DEC-31MAR


4 hours

Departure Location:

Broome Airport

Departure/ Pickup Info:

Broome local hotels

*Pickup Request:

Note: Pickup requests are subject to confirmation.


~~ 01-APR-2024 to 31-MAR-2025~~Valid for 01APR24-31MAR25:
Marvel at the azure blue waters, red cliffs, muddy creeks and picturesque coastline as you head south from Broome to the award winning Eco Beach Resort. Upon arrival, sit back and take in the incredible views from Jacks elevated restaurant as you enjoy an a-la-carte lunch (including a complimentary glass of wine, beer or soft drink). After lunch, you'll have plenty of time to lie back in a hammock, take a refreshing ocean swim or relaxing walk along the beach before returning to Broome with another stunning scenic flight.~~~~

Important Info:

Special Requests:

(240 Char Limit)

Note: Special requests generate directly to the service provider and cannot be guaranteed.